Garland of Peace idea and concept has been up on the internet for some years now. It calls to “Declare War Ruins as Peace Heritage Sites”, on a single platform, all over the world. Only the UN can do it. The more we delay taking a decision for peace, the more we push the world to the brink of war situations. To explain simply, this idea attempts to place Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor on the same platform as monuments crying out for peace in the world! The underlying belief is that all individuals, all nations are peaceful at the core, only circumstances and ideologies convert them to warring situations.
I start this Peace Blog with the hope that it will help create a powerful lobby for peace making in the world at every level in every country and generate an interest in peace building in like-minded individuals. Feel free to express freely, because each voice raised for peace counts and is supremely blessed. The more peaceful souls we have in the world, the happier our world is!
Come let us join hands for making our beautiful world a peaceful world!